Science Prizes
The Sir Martin Wood Prize for China

We are proud to sponsor the Sir Martin Wood China Prize for research in physical science. This Prize was launched in 2013 and its aim is to promote and recognise the novel work of young scientists working in the fields of low temperatures or high magnetic fields in China. Oxford Instruments is aware that there is a critical and often difficult stage for many between completing their Ph.D and gaining a permanent research position. The company therefore would like to support individuals in China who are producing innovative work by offering assistance both financially and through promotion of their research work.

  • Objective of the prize: To recognise and reward excellent research conducted by young scientists in China
  • Research area: Any scientific result has been achieved in low temperature, high magnetic fields or vacuum environment
  • Eligibility: Candidates should be 40 years old and under and have made an outstanding achievement in a Chinese University or Research Institute
  • Prize: The prize is awarded biennially to maximum 3 individuals. The prize comprises of a Chinese Yuan 100,000 (total amount) cheque, a commemorative certificate & trophy
  • Nominator: The candidate should be nominated by a recognised expert in the field of physics science. Self-nomination is also acceptable
  • Application process: Send the complete application to committee secretary
  • Selection method: Adjudication by the Selection Committee of the Prize

Click here to read out about Sir Martin Wood

Committee Members

Committee Chairman(委员会主席):赵忠贤院士
Committee secretary(委员会秘书):雒建林研究员
Committee members(委员会成员)按姓氏笔划:
王楠林研究员         北京大学
吕力 研究员          中科院物理所
陈仙辉教授            中国科技大学
杜瑞瑞教授            北京大学
金晓峰教授            复旦大学
张富春教授            浙江大学
薛其坤院士            清华大学